Beta Review Master 1.1a by

Latin Typing Key

a_ e_ i_ o_ u_
ā  ē  ī  ō  ū
Classical Latin

Vocabulary Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 22
  • Words from chapter 22
    •    A. a running, course, way, march, passage, voyage, journey
    •    B. to seize and carry off, snatch, tear, pluck, drag, hurry away
    •    C. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    D. a falling, falling down, fall; chance; fate
    •    A. such, of such a kind, such like, the like
    •    B. a mark, token, sign, indication, proof
    •    C. content, satisfied, pleased
    •    D. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    A. a running, course, way, march, passage, voyage, journey
    •    B. large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious
    •    C. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    D. a chariot, car, wain, wagon
    •    A. a running, course, way, march, passage, voyage, journey
    •    B. to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself
    •    C. a falling, falling down, fall; chance; fate
    •    D. a play, game, diversion; school
    •    A. such, of such a kind, such like, the like
    •    B. to be favorable, be well disposed, be inclined towards, favor, promote, befriend, countenance, protect
    •    C. a turmoil, hubbub, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance
    •    D. to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself
    •    A. broken, shattered, subdued, weakened, irregular
    •    B. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    C. a turmoil, hubbub, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance
    •    D. old, aged, advanced in years
    •    A. a chariot, car, wain, wagon
    •    B. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    C. to seize and carry off, snatch, tear, pluck, drag, hurry away
    •    D. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    A. a play, game, diversion; school
    •    B. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    C. a chariot, car, wain, wagon
    •    D. to make away with, destroy, ruin, squander, dissipate, throw away, waste, lose
    •    A. a running, course, way, march, passage, voyage, journey
    •    B. large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious
    •    C. that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned
    •    D. a play, game, diversion; school
    •    A. to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself
    •    B. large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious
    •    C. that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned
    •    D. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    A. to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself
    •    B. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    C. that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned
    •    D. to appear, be visible, be at hand
    •    A. to appear, be visible, be at hand
    •    B. to make away with, destroy, ruin, squander, dissipate, throw away, waste, lose
    •    C. old, aged, advanced in years
    •    D. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    A. a running, course, way, march, passage, voyage, journey
    •    B. the evening-star
    •    C. large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious
    •    D. most, very much, very many
    •    A. a falling, falling down, fall; chance; fate
    •    B. a play, game, diversion; school
    •    C. where, in what place, in what situation
    •    D. to be favorable, be well disposed, be inclined towards, favor, promote, befriend, countenance, protect
    •    A. to seize and carry off, snatch, tear, pluck, drag, hurry away
    •    B. a turmoil, hubbub, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance
    •    C. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    D. a play, game, diversion; school
    •    A. to make away with, destroy, ruin, squander, dissipate, throw away, waste, lose
    •    B. a turmoil, hubbub, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance
    •    C. a mark, token, sign, indication, proof
    •    D. to appear, be visible, be at hand
    •    A. to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself
    •    B. where, in what place, in what situation
    •    C. that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned
    •    D. broken, shattered, subdued, weakened, irregular
    •    A. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    B. large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious
    •    C. to make away with, destroy, ruin, squander, dissipate, throw away, waste, lose
    •    D. such, of such a kind, such like, the like
    •    A. large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious
    •    B. a turmoil, hubbub, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance
    •    C. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    D. a falling, falling down, fall; chance; fate
    •    A. the evening-star
    •    B. that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned
    •    C. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    D. to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture
    •    A. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    B. to make away with, destroy, ruin, squander, dissipate, throw away, waste, lose
    •    C. old, aged, advanced in years
    •    D. to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself
    •    A. to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine
    •    B. most, very much, very many
    •    C. content, satisfied, pleased
    •    D. that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned